No amount of words will ever describe the pain i feel. Losing you has been the worst moment in my life. You have been the greatest dad any one of us could ask for. Not only our dad but our mom. I will be forever thankful to you, for being so couragous to single handledly bring us up on our own. You always said that wad your greatest achievement. Im always in awe of you. I wish we could of kept you for longer. I miss our thursdays having a cooked dinner by you, our nice puddings and our rants on the world. You always kept me sane, and the only person who would give honest adviced. Louie misses his grandad so much. I promise he’ll always remember you. Especially through us. I wish you could be there on my wedding day! I know how excited you were to watch and walk your daughter down the aisle, especially happy knowing i was marrying a man you loved. I know youll be there for me that day, just like you always were.
i just miss you so much. Nothing will take away this pain. I will miss you forever.
i hope where ever you are, your free from pain, enjoying life and being happy.
lots of love Jessica ❤️