Dad, to even start to comprehend that you are no longer here hurts me more than I will ever be able to put into words. You truly were my whole world and I would be nothing and no where without you. Seeing your hardwork and dedication through the years as you rasied us girls single handedly and showing us the true value of love, laughter and hardwork!
You truly were the best man, dad and friend that ever walked this planet. I will carry with me the laughter we shared and the lessons you taught me for my lifetime. Forever with you wouldn’t of been long enough for me, but I am so grateful for the 23 years we had together and the achievements we made. Thank you for being so brave in raising three girls all on your own so i could growup with my sisters!
My future children will know all about you and how much you loved being a grandad!
i miss making you a tea every night whilst asking you about the heartbeat episodes that i never really understood.
love and miss you forever Dad ❤️