My old fart ??

Created by Abbie 15 days ago

Where do i even begin…i still can’t actually comprehend that you not here anymore i have lost a lot of people in my life but loosing you has hit something different keep thinking of all the good times we have all had over the years you were literally one of a kind always the life and sole of the party always had something to say always laughing and joking winding someone up. We have so many amazing memories to many to even begin to list you never ever failed to make me laugh especially with abit of snap chat on the go, and to anyone reading this who doesn’t know who i am i think i was the only person who regionally called you “old fart” who got a way with it. 

all jokes aside, i miss you dearly and will forever miss you its not the same without you and it will never be the same without you but rest assured you will never be forgotten and you will always be loved.

love & miss you forever you old fart 🤍

untill we meet again x

